Do you Want to Love Yourself Really?

Whitney Houston sang: “Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all.”  Currently Justin Bieber is on the radio with a very snarky song about loving yourself, as in it is a very self-centered, selfish thing to do. To give you a flavor of the song, one line is, “My mama don’t like you…

There is More Than Just this Body

Amazing Lola; Small in Stature, Big in Heart Here at our Center the Animal Kinship Ministry offers a Releasing Ceremony for our loved ones. When you make the decision to allow your pet to move onto its next life, you do not have to do it alone.  I had the privilege of being present for Kelly…

Spiritual Conspiracy

“I affirm that every action I take, every situation I experience, every word I speak and every thought I have is a reflection of my faith that the Universe is conspiring for my good!” Rev. Brian Akers What a magnificent affirmation! This is the affirmation for Sunday, May 22, 2016. I love it. It calls…

News Flash: You Know This!!!

  “The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.” ― Albert Einstein Flexibility is not a matter of turning spineless or so bendable you act like Gumby. Yes…I LOVE Gumby!…and his pony pal Pokey, too!…HOWEVER, as much as I truly love Gumby…Mastering flexibility means that you can balance the need for consistency with the need for change.…

News Flash: You Know This!!!

  “The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.” ― Albert Einstein Flexibility is not a matter of turning spineless or so bendable you act like Gumby. Yes…I LOVE Gumby!…and his pony pal Pokey, too!…HOWEVER, as much as I truly love Gumby…Mastering flexibility means that you can balance the need for consistency with the need for change.…