Meditation, Purpose & Emerson

What is your plot of land? This Sunday was our final week in our month on meditation. Rev. Dr. Heather Clark talked about using meditation as a tool to connect with the very essence of who we are and to ask how to manifest our good in the world. To ask “What is trying to…

I Can’t Hear Myself Think

When I was growing up my mom used to say, “It’s so loud in here, I can’t hear myself think.” As a child I thought, “Whatever.” Now, as a parent, I totally understand what she was saying. There are moments, more often than I like, that the noise and busyness of family life are so…

Words, Intentions and Transitive Verbs

All the World’s a Stage. You write the text. You pick your transitive verbs. Words are powerful. We talk about that all the time. The Intention behind our words is just as powerful, maybe more so. At the Center for Spiritual Living we talk a lot about “Tools for Transformation.” In fact this month is…

KGOD – Tuning In To The Absolute

I know the Universe is constantly transmitting love, guidance and wisdom. Being receptive and open, I listen and discover all the messages right and perfect for me to align my experience and my expression with Good. And So It Is! One year ago in October, our Center returned to San Clemente, the city of its…

Sacred space: setting a Spiritual tone.

A sacred space created for meditation. Completely surrendering in meditation is to become absolutely vulnerable to Spirit.  Many of us have a fear of losing control of our lives; we always want to be in control.  We want to know what to expect out of situations we enter into.  For many of us, being vulnerable…