I Love Myself The Way I Am

Louise Hay, international bestselling author, coaches people to do mirror work. She asks her clients to look into their own eyes and state, “I love and approve of myself just the way I am.” She says do it three or four hundred times a day especially if you want to heal something in your life.…


I Love Myself The Way I Am

Louise Hay, international bestselling author, coaches people to do mirror work. She asks her clients to look into their own eyes and state, “I love and approve of myself just the way I am.” She says do it three or four hundred times a day especially if you want to heal something in your life.I…


Meditation is More Than You Think May 11- June 29

MEDITATION IS MORE THAN YOU THINK (8 week course):  Join this introductory meditation course that begins with the beginner and moves step-by-step through the powerful tool of meditation in many different modalities. Topics include meditation with light, mantras, sound, movement, breathing, and more.  Discover which modality works best for you and experience the benefits of…


The Power of Prayer by Ken Robuck

I am so blessed!  I was  exposed/introduced to Science of Mind 22 years ago. I knew it was a fit for me.  I took classes with Dr. Jacque and was definitely drawn to the principles and concept.   In fact for most of these 20+ years I have carried a personal treatment in my day-timer. I’ve given…


The Power of Prayer by Ken Robuck

I am so blessed!  I was  exposed/introduced to Science of Mind 22 years ago. I knew it was a fit for me.  I took classes with Dr. Jacque and was definitely drawn to the principles and concept.   In fact for most of these 20+ years I have carried a personal treatment in my day-timer. I’ve given…
