Connection: The Lives You Touch

From “Waking Life” “Creation seems to come out of imperfection, it seems to come out of a striving … and a frustration,and this is where I think language came from, it came from our desire to transcend our isolation and have some sort of connection with one another. “So much of our experience is intangible…


Bringing Light to the Shadows

It led me to one of my favorite books, The Dark Side of the Light Chasers by Debbie Ford photo credit: Juli Isola To truly embrace our authenticity, we must recognize, know and accept our whole self; not just the light-hearted, happy, socially-acceptable parts but also the sadness, irritation, discontent, and failings. The theme for January’s Sunday…


What is Meditation?

Many people are intimidated by meditation or do not know how to meditate. If you are intimidated by the traditional forms of meditation, allow me to suggest ideas of other forms of meditation: 1.  Take a walk in nature and be present to your surroundings. 2.  Sit on the beach and watch the waves crash…
