Learning Forgiveness

Forgiveness. This word carries so much weight and meaning. It’s said that forgiveness is one of the hardest lessons for human beings to learn. And one of the most important lessons as well. I thought I knew all about forgiveness. All you have to do is pick out all the character flaws and shortcomings of the…


Our Sacred Covenant

Our Sacred Covenant Today is the annual meeting at our spiritual center. It has become one of the most meaningful days of the year for me as we join together to look back at the previous year and align in consciousness with the vision cast by our Spiritual Director, Dr. Heather Clark. Whether you attend…


Red Leather Guilt Trip

On Sunday I will be speaking about boundaries and borders. It brought to mind a visceral  memory  illustrates the body-mind connection. Many years ago, long before I had a cell phone, while still living in Edmonton, Canada, I traveled to Southern California to attend a work-related conference. One of the days of the conference was free time…


Spiritual Parenting

Feeling isolated, my teen needed a centered parent who understood. This week tensions ran higher than usual with my kids. I have three daughters: a teen, a preteen and a preschooler. The developmental stage for all  of these ages focuses on detaching from parents, finding individuality and hanging out with friends. Ugh! It creates a family…


Let go and Let God.

Do you feel as if you are doing it all yourself?  Are you the one responsible for making it all happen? When those “doing it all” feelings arise, take it as a clue or signal.  At this moment in time, stop and recognize what it really is.  It’s time to release, to let go.  Sometimes…


Authenticity & Connection

January and February are past, but their themes, Authenticity and Connection, are still very much with me. The more I reflect on these two the more inextricably linked they become … truly the proverbial chicken and the egg. Connection is why we are here. I heard that loud and clear from a multitude of sources…


Lessons for Oscar magic

While watching the Oscars last Sunday night it dawned on me that its a special night for more than one reason. Not because of the importance behind The Oscar itself but because of such a large concentration of people gathered in one place and all operating on such a high vibrational level. When the dynamic…
