Everyday is an Opportunity for Alchemy

Where is the world calling you to create something wonderful with what’s in your basket? Have you ever shared a challenge or obstacle you were experiencing with a friend or colleague only to have them respond with one of the many popular cliches or platitudes? “If Life hands you lemons, make lemonade.” “What doesn’t kill…


Everyday is an Opportunity for Alchemy

Where is the world calling you to create something wonderful with what’s in your basket? Have you ever shared a challenge or obstacle you were experiencing with a friend or colleague only to have them respond with one of the many popular cliches or platitudes? “If Life hands you lemons, make lemonade.” “What doesn’t kill…


Overcoming Challenges and Obstacles

Today, I choose to birth something greater in my life. I understand that challenges and obstacles are simply me disconnecting from my ‘power source.’ When I plug back in to my Divine Power, I realize my lesson, refocus my intention and continue in the direction of my dreams. … And so it is!

Powerful Affirmations

In our Foundations class last night, we studied the power of affirmations. We use affirmations to change our consciousness for a particular experience or effect. Affirmations are reminders of the Truth within us. Guidelines to help write powerful affirmations: Keep them in the present tense; e.g. “Right now I know I am tuned in to the highest…
