After Prayer, What?

I  have learned  to pray from an awareness of the Presence of God within. I have learned to pray for the Absolute quality of God that my desire symbolizes. For instance if I am feeling tight and cramped, I am probably experiencing some constriction of resources. Money may be tight. These things may be factual…


After Prayer, What?

I  have learned  to pray from an awareness of the Presence of God within.I have learned to pray for the Absolute quality of God that my desire symbolizes. For instance if I am feeling tight and cramped, I am probably experiencing some constriction of resources. Money may be tight. These things may be factual at…


Why Do We End Our Prayers with “And So It Is”

In the book, The Universe is Calling, Eric Butterworth has a chapter titled, ‘The Great Amen.’ It is a fascinating chapter about the original meaning of the word “Amen.” What does it really mean? Butterworth begins by quoting Shakespeare’s Macbeth. “Macbeth is wallowing in guilt and remorse and says: “I could not say ‘Amen’ when…
