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SUNDAYS: Meditation 10–10:15am (in-person only) • Gathering & Music 10:30am (in-person and virtual)


The Value of Classes

By January 23, 2015No Comments

I love teaching the Science of Mind!

I love it because I am privileged to witness people waking up to their spiritual magnificence!

I love it because I have an opportunity to examine my own consciousness to see if I am right-thinking!

I love it because it  because I get to know the students and they get to know me and each other.

Have you ever wondered why people take the same class a number of times? If you have taken a class more than once, you will know why. We are not the same people we were when we first started taking classes. We have changed, learned and grown more spiritually mature so we are now learning at a higher level of consciousness, with deeper, clearer understanding.

The Greek philosopher Heroclitus said,

 “You can’t stand in the same river twice.” 

His meaning was that the river, and the universe are forever changing so the river has changed and we have changed. Our experience might be similar but it will not be identical. 

Dr. Jay Scott Neale, one of my colleagues who studied with Ernest Holmes Brother Fenwicke, would tell how Fenwicke would study the text book every morning. When Dr, Jay asked him why he did it, Fenwicke replied, “I am certain my brother comes in at night when I am not looking and writes new things.”

Students who take a class for a second or third time feel the same way. The ideas that first bedazzled them now feel common, but something else always pops up. Something to learn, embrace and be.

When you are in a class, you are reading, meditating and praying everyday. And when you are consistent with your practices, then your life changes because you have changed your thinking not just at a surface level but deeply changed it.

Wherever you are, whatever has been your path up until now, I highly encourage you to take a Science of Mind Class. You will be so happy you made that decision!

In class last Tuesday night, Kathy Storey, RScP, sent a birthday banana, complete with candle! She sent it because she knows I am trying to eat less flour, so instead of a cake, she sent a banana! It made the entire class smile! 

Birthday Banana