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SUNDAYS: Meditation 10–10:15am (in-person only) • Gathering & Music 10:30am (in-person and virtual)

just read September Warren’s poignant post about 9/11. I, too, watched it
unfold on television all those years ago, and somehow, even though I was on the
other side of the country, and mercifully lost no close friends or family that fateful
day; just seeing the images of the towers engulfed in flames brings the
feelings of horror and helplessness flooding right back… I suspect that I am
not alone… It was truly a sad day for our nation, and one that will take a
long time to heal.
Perhaps that is why the Centers for Spiritual Living
selected September 14 as the World Day of Service. As we look to heal from the
tragedy of 9/11, we know that one of the very best things we can do is to serve
World Day of Service has been organized as a day to come
together in service to our communities. This Saturday, dozens of Centers for
Spiritual Living across the country will participate in various
community-service activities, designed to remind ourselves that it’s all about
connection. We really are all one: one people, one planet, one God.
So what are we doing?
I thought you’d never ask! That’s the best part!
We are hosting a BEACH CLEAN UP 3:30-5PM at North Beach in San
by a no-host BONFIRE at 5:30pm!

(No-Host means that you bring whatever food
you want to cook, but we will have plenty of wood and fixin’s for s’mores!)
If you’ve never done a beach clean-up, they are really fun.
Not only are you helping the environment, but you get to be outside, enjoying
the sun and beach. It is a win-win. One tip though: they provide those thin
latex gloves. I recommend bringing your own rubber gloves (not leather or
fabric). You’ll also want a hat and sunscreen, because even the late-afternoon
sun can burn.
Finally, plan to bring a friend or two. Serving others is much
more fun when it is shared. If there is someone you’ve wanted to invite to
church, this is a great way to introduce them to us.
Dr. Kenn Gordon, spiritual leader for Centers for Spiritual
Living, says, “We believe that prayer changes lives. We also believe that the
only way God can accomplish anything is through us–God works in us, through us,
and as us. We can pray that the hungry are fed, and we do, but we also need to
take action to feed the hungry. We envision a world that is free of
homelessness, violence, war, and hunger. World Day of Service is about taking
action in our communities around the world so together we can create that
world, a world that works for everyone.”
This Saturday,
September 14, at 3:30pm we are coming together at North Beach to help clean up
our little corner of the world, but in so doing, we recognize that we are part
of a global effort. There is so much power in that – plus, we’re gonna have a
really good time! I hope to see you there.

For more information, please contact Diane at the Center for
Spiritual Living Capistrano Valley 949-240-6463 or