Can you imagine a whole weekend devoted entirely to your spiritual well-being and growth?
There is such a weekend. It is one in at which your children are welcome and will have a program of their own while the adults are listening, participating and being transformed. You will feast like royalty every day and be waited on by some of the finest young servers I have ever met. Add a touch of pampering and the opportunity to take some spectacular hikes, play tennis, practice yoga, meditate, soak in the Jacuzzi or simply relax, and you have the Spiritual Retreat in Lake Arrowhead this Memorial Day weekend.
Most of us do our spiritual practices alone, but the group dynamic heightens the experience for everyone. This is a full weekend in which you will be with some of the greatest minds, the kindest people and finest speakers in Centers for Spiritual Living organization plus this year we are welcoming a Buddhist monk.
The spiritual messages and workshops will be fantastic.
But if you prefer, you could play hooky from the spiritual talks and workshops; you could hike or drive down to the village of Lake Arrowhead. The retreat is held at the UCLA Conference Center. The accommodations are lovely. The food is delicious. But the greatest benefits are that you are free to mix and mingle with the speakers and other participants. It is a great way to connect with each other and would be especially valuable if several people from our Center register.
Traveling to former retreats, I have often had the weather literally reflect my confusion with fog.
The fog reminds us of the fogginess in our own lives. Then as we get clearer spiritually, the weather clears as well. You will be invited to let go of the things that no longer serve you — such as judgments, gossip, blame, fear, envy, and self-righteousness. When you have released those things that are not born of the Spirit, you will experience the pure bliss of real spiritual retreat. You will come back refreshed and renewed. You will have had a spiritual experience.
Lake Arrowhead Retreat features several ministers and is organized by Rev. Dr. Moira Foxe, Spiritual Director of the Redondo Beach Center for Spiritual Living. In the past, we have had other CSL ministers, including Rev. Dr. Heather Clark, Rev. Dr. Sue Rubin, Rev. Dr. Maureen Hoyt, Rev. Mike McMorrow, Rev. Dr. Joe Hooper. This year’s featured speaker will be a Buddhist monk, Rev. Kusala Bhiksha.
Check out his website:
The retreat will take place Memorial Weekend. May 24-27. For more information, and to turn a fantasy into reality, begin by emailing Dr. Heather