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SUNDAYS: Meditation 10–10:15am (in-person only) • Gathering & Music 10:30am (in-person and virtual)

Our Sacred Covenant
Today is the annual meeting at our spiritual center. It has become one of the most meaningful days of the year for me as we join together to look back at the previous year and align in consciousness with the vision cast by our Spiritual Director, Dr. Heather Clark. Whether you attend in person today or not I invite you to remember your connection with this center, to know that who you are matters, and that you are loved beyond measure. 
This year marks the 45th year of our center. I am thrilled to call it my home and to know that we are doing great work. Below is the sacred covenant that was created by our board of Trustees in 2012. Each day, when I read this I am reminded of this great work and of my many partners in living my highest expression. I invite you to join in aligning with this sacred covenant. 

There is only One Life!  This Life is Good!  This Life is God!  This Life is my Life now! In knowing that I am one with this Life that is God… I therefore know that I am one with each and every one of Its blessed expressions, which includes this beloved revelation called

The Center for Spiritual Living Capistrano Valley

Because I know that the highest Purpose of this Center is to glorify God, I therefore know that this Center is a revelation of God as Unity.

As I stand alone in the High Altar of Consciousness, I see this Center revealed before me as a connected growing community.

I participate in the Center in full cooperation and agreement with my beloved partners, knowing the Truth about myself for:

I am honoring the Divine in myself and all others.

I am speaking and listening as Love.

I am experiencing the value of my work.

I am knowing the joy of service.

I am staying spiritually renewed.

I am being fully supported and abundantly prospered in the fulfillment of these intentions.

I know that this Center is fully supported by the Word of God, for it is written:

“Love is a cosmic force whose sweep is irresistible.”
— Ernest  Holmes

As I now accept the highest expression of this Center into my life, I know that it is revealed in a way that glorifies God and serves the highest and greatest good of all who are touched by its unfoldment.  I am grateful God is gracious.
So be it now!  Amen