“If you do not find peace in yourself, you will never find it anywhere else.” – Paula A. Bendry
This has been a week of quieting the noise in my mind. No wonder my Monday blog is being posted today, Wednesday. A week of accepting mySelf…and my Life for what IT is. A time of trusting more and worrying less.
And not only that…my agenda included comparing myself to no one, loving mySelf even more than usual, fearing nothing…not just fearing less. Especially, this has been a week of forgiving the pain from the past for me…letting go, and allowing my losses to make me more human…more humbled if you will. I AM grateful to reach this state of Being. A place where few reside, and many seek. That Wonderful place I call Peace of Mind!
Let’s talk a little bit about Peace of Mind…that uncommon ability to deal with the world, our Life, as well as, everyone, everything everywhere with confidence and serenity. When I AM in my Peace place, I identify and demonstrate a desire to accept…rather than control, less with the longing to hold on…and, more with the need to let go. For when we do not resist, we begin to Trust that all things happen for a reason…whether or not we know it at the time or not. For me, IT’s realizing that there are no mistakes…only lessons to BE learned…and IT remains that my pain in times of loss that helps me not only to grow from the inside out…to do good works…for Self, as well as those who influence and surround us, and those whom we influence and surround.
Loss touches our lives at one time or another. True and deep loss…the kind that tears your insides open, is, many times, a necessary part of Life. Loss, rarely, spares no one. Of this I AM certain. Within the last 10 months, my mother made her Transition after a 5 year bout with brain cancer. As my Faith saw me through my pain, as well as that of and for my family and loved ones, especially, my dad and siblings…I find mySelf experiencing and expressing pain and lessons…yet another opportunity to lean into my Faith…that GOD within me…through the process of divorce. That process especially invites me to demonstrate the Power of Forgiveness, Healing, and Transformation…as I call upon my Authentic Power from within…Spirit GOD to see me through to the next destination, as well as, the process of getting there. You see… Faith comforts while making room for Peace.
Finding Peace is the willingness and joyfulness of letting go of the need to hold on. IT is that forgiving to allow forgetting…and Living in the Joy of the Moment, rather than in and with the pain of the past. On this Journey that I have been so graciously placed on, Peace of Mind…The One Mind…that Infinite Mind of GOD…is the expression of coming to terms with all that I have been, all that I AM…and all that I will BE!
A sense of Peace comes over time, and is largely letting go of the past…surrendering Self to Live fully and Lovingly in the Present…with Faith in Self and GOD in…GOD as…and GOD all through us. This process is multi-dimensional…embracing many aspects of Life through patience, commitment, Faith, and Love…ushering that state Truth…Real Peace.
NOW is the time to give yourSelf the greatest gift of all…The Peace of Mind to let go of the past, Live in the Present…and let tomorrow BE!