Happy 4th of July! May it be a day of connection, appreciation, and celebration!
In 1776 the Declaration of Independence…
“…We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness….”
In 2013 the Declaration of Inner-dependence…
“This is what I know is true: that there is only One. One life, one power, one source. Everything and everyone is an expression of this one that I call God.
Today as we celebrate our countries independence I am reminded of the freedom that I often take for granted. The freedom to say yes to my heart, my joy, my love. The freedom that I have to attend the spiritual center that I do without a thought or worry about safety. The freedom to choose to be inner-dependent for me is remembering and trusting my inner voice. I am remind myself that as an inner-dependent person I allow the outside conditions of my life to be the feedback of my inner thoughts, attitudes and beliefs. I turn to the truth that I know: that I Am Love, I Am Peace, I Am living in harmony with life and cooperating with the divine inner whisper that says yes, it is all good and all God.
Today as the family and friends of our nation gather together in celebration I am reminded of one of the best lessons that I was ever given and that is: “we come together to share what we have in common”.
So today as we come together with family and friends in celebration of our freedom I am deeply moved by the power and presence of Love. For me it is this love that we come together to share.