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SUNDAYS: Meditation 10–10:15am (in-person only) • Gathering & Music 10:30am (in-person and virtual)


Do People Believe You

By July 22, 2016No Comments

Do people believe you when you tell them who you are?

Can you imagine what it would feel like if they didn’t believe you?

Knowing that you are more then your history, your culture, your age, your experiences, your intellect, your socio-economic class,  your ethnicity, your biology, your interests, is the greatest gift of our teaching. When we come to discover that we are individualized expressions of the One Divine Mind, we start to fall in love with ourselves. When we start to fall in love with ourselves, our lives change.

One of the most difficult stages in life is adolescence. During this time the roots that have been carefully nourished keep us grounded to what really matters and the wings that we are developing grow stronger, able to carry us through heartache and fears.

We just received this video from Centers for Spiritual Living, which was produced at Teen Camp this summer.  I feel the boys’ pain, anger, and frustration. I was deeply moved by their courage to so openly and honestly reveal their feelings. I trust that you  will enjoy it.

What I am aware of in this moment is the need for great compassion, which poured from me while I was watching the video. I am also aware that compassion is just the first step. In addition to compassion, we need to remember who we really are. We need to remember that as energetic beings, we are either attracting people into our lives or repelling people from them. It truly is the Law of Attraction.We need to consciously make room for positive, creative, loving friends in our lives by being what we want to attract. Practicing the principles of the Science of Mind and Spirit is the first step.

I am a spiritual being awakening to the infinite possibilities within me.