Building a Healing Consciousness (SOM 103) will be the accredited class presented this fall by Dr. Heather.
The purpose of this class to open our thought to the possibility that we can create a better world–a better world in our relationships, our families, our work places, our Centers, our communities, our nation, and our planet.
Looking at this transcendent purpose, we begin to see that its possibility rests on the foundation of what goes on in our own inner lives . . . in the discovery and exploration of the power of our thought . . . in the awakening, enrichment, and expansion of our individual consciousness . . . so that each of us is fully open to being all we can be, fully aware of the Presence within and the Unity of all life.
As this life-enrichment process unfolds in each of us, it pours into the Universal Consciousness a vital force for change in the world. Throughout these 8 weeks the reading materials, the class activities, and the written and oral assignments are designed to help you create a personal vision for a better world.
Class Title: Building a Healing Consciousness (SOM 103)
Class Day and Time: Tuesday Evening: 6:30 p.m
Class Duration: 8 weeks, September 6 – October 25
Class Location: Center for Spiritual Living Capistrano Valley
Class Facilitator: Dr. Heather Clark
Class Tuition: Credit: $160.00 No Credit: Love offering
Class Materials: The Science of Mind, Ernest Holmes