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SUNDAYS: Meditation 10–10:15am (in-person only) • Gathering & Music 10:30am (in-person and virtual)

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because it reminds me to practice gratitude. For many people Thanksgiving is a special time with family and friends, sharing favorite foods and enjoying each other’s company. I know that for many people football is part of the tradition. I For some families it is an afternoon of playing cards and relaxing with friends.

I know that each of us has our own memories of Thanksgivings Past. So I know also that some people have painful memories of Thanksgiving.

I was talking to a friend recently who told me that her worst Thanksgiving ever was one year when she was in France. There weren’t even any turkeys anywhere!

For others the worst Thanksgiving could have been one filled with arguments. disagreements and anger.Not everyone’s family is functional.

Nevertheless, what a great opportunity to remember all the things to be grateful for…all of your talents and abilities… your friends and family…your knowledge…the Presence of the Divine…freedom to choose and the Law of Mind.

Gratitude multiplies your good. Lavish praise on the Universe and the Universe will respond by bringing more good to you.

May this be your best Thanksgiving yet!

One of the best videos on gratitude I have ever experienced is Louis Schwartzberg’s video on gratitude. Please enjoy.