juli beauty

Self love is all about YOU!

Not your kids, not your spouse, not your parents, but all about you.  What do you do everyday to show yourself love?

Putting ourselves on the back burner and denying ourselves self-love can make us feel depleted, unfulfilled, and lonely.

Self-love is about filling your soul with the love you feel for yourself.  We are taught in our culture that self-love is selfish, but it’s quite the opposite – loving ourselves allows us to love others more deeply.

Today’s Spiritual Principle:  Self Love


“This self-love is the instrument of our preservation; it resembles the provision for the perpetuity of mankind: it is necessary, it is dear to us, it gives us pleasure, and we must conceal it.” Voltaire



Today, I recognize that the more love I receive the more love I can give. With my heart open and ready, I dedicate 30 minutes to practice self-love.


Take 30 minutes today with no one around, all to yourself, yes, you read it correctly, 30 minutes!  Find the time. You have it. I promise.  Ask yourself, “What would I love to do in this 30 minutes?”  Whatever comes, don’t question it, simply do it.

If it is to take a nap.  Take a nap.  Read a book?  Then, read a book.  Go for a walk, then go for walk.  Just give yourself the gift of self-love.

Rev. Judee Chapman

Meet Rev. Judee Chapman, facilitator of Wednesday Wisdom

A lovely gift to oneself is to take an hour, mid-week to gain a “Faith Lift.”

Join us every Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. at CSLCV for our “Wednesday Wisdom” faith-lift service and hear a dynamic speaker share their stories and wisdom for living a spiritual lifestyle.

It’s the best form of self-love we can offer you.  Time to yourself (or come with a friend) and receive a little wisdom to contemplate afterwards.

CLICK to learn more about Wednesday Wisdom.

Practices and Principles shared on the 21-Day Journey provided by:

Photograph provided by:

vv bluesheathCenter for Spiritual Living – Capistrano Valley member, Vidette Vanderweide (www.VidetteVTV.com)

juliCenter for Spiritual Living – Capistrano Valley member, Juli Isola (www.JuliIsolaPhotography.com)