“I Just Don’t Get Affirmations!”
I heard those words come out of my friend’s mouth and I shuddered.
For years, affirmations have been a part of my daily life…
…I probably use them hundreds of times a day.
I believe in them so much that I even painted a “Today’s Affirmation” chalkboard wall in my house.
I post these daily affirmations on Instagram and Facebook as it is my hope that the day’s affirmation will serve someone else as it has me.
Affirmations are a powerful daily practice that are much more powerful than many think.
My friend went on to explain that she doesn’t get affirmations because she can’t believe them enough to transform her thinking.
So, I explained that, even though affirmations may not be truly believeable at first, they are STILL more powerful than the limiting thought you are trying to change.
You see, our lives are based on energetic vibrations.
Although this may seem like a strange idea, you probably have noticed it through life experience.
For example, you walk into a room after a couple has been fighting and you “feel” the tension in the air…that’s a lower vibration of energy.
On the other hand, you walk into a room where people are celebrating and the energy feels electric…that’s higher vibrational energy.
Thoughts also carry a vibration.
When you have a thought that is on a lower vibration, being that you attract back to you the energy you put out, you will attract other lower vibrational experiences in your life.
So, it’s important to up level the energy of a lower vibrational thought immediately, by replacing it with a higher vibrational thought…like an affirmation!