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SUNDAYS: Meditation 10–10:15am (in-person only) • Gathering & Music 10:30am (in-person and virtual)

career and creativity

Prayer Request Form


Affirmative Prayer: Career and Creativity

Prayer Treatment for Infinite Possibilities
By Reverend Karyn Allen

In the sacred here and now — the only time there is — I recognize and consciously bring my awareness to the power and the presence of the Almighty One. This omniscient and omnipotent Power is present within all of life; every atom, every particle and every galaxy is comprised of It. Infinite in scope and power, It continually creates all of life out of Itself and gives birth to new thoughts, new ideas, new forms, and new existences. It is the power of Love that sustains us, surrounds us and resides within us. It is truly all there is.

Because It is all there is, I am an expression of that One, as are all. As I consciously unify with It, I know that I am imbued with all of Its attributes. I live, move, and breathe in the awareness of the Most High and am never separated from It because I am one with It.

Realizing the infinitude of God, I declare that “With God All Things Are Possible.” There is nothing too great for the Divine to manifest and thus I live in faith that through me, God can create the seemingly impossible. The Mind that knows all is not limited by the small ideas in my own head, for it only knows to bring forth into existence more and more good out of Itself. As I fill my entire being with this Truth, my faith follows suit allowing me to trust, allow, let go, and demonstrate whatever it is that I consciously believe and choose to bring forth.

I am so very thankful for the awareness of this Power and for the evidence of good It presents to all of life.

I release my word to Law knowing that It always responds with yes and is done, and so it is!

Affirmations for Success

  • I work in an atmosphere that nourishes me. My gifts are welcomed and appreciated.
  • My work matters and I feel fulfilled.
  • The creative expression of my heart now manifests for me in the form of right work.
  • The gifts I bring to my work are wanted and appreciated.