SUNDAYS: Meditation 10–10:15am (in-person only) • Gathering & Music 10:30am (in-person and virtual)

Prayer Request Form
Affirmative Prayer: Prosperity
A Prayer for Prosperity
by Dave Friedman, RScP
I sit here peacefully in my knowing of one Energy, one Source, one great Love. I know that this single source of Life is full, complete, abundant, benevolent, supportive, expansive. As this Life is truly all there is, this life is my life now. All that the Universe is, I AM!
Everywhere I look, I see abundance. Everywhere I look I see prosperity. Everywhere I look I see expansion. And as I see without, I look within. And I know, that as one with the Universe, everything about me is prosperous, abundant, expansive.
I know the Universe is expanding. I know my awareness of my connection to the Universe is expanding. My vision of my life is expanding. I have plenty of financial resources. I am surrounded by health, wealth, good fortune, quality friends, satisfying work, and passion. I attract so much good that I share with other people, and those who are around me also experience expansive good in their lives. As above, so below, as with one, as with all.
It is with deep gratitude that I express heartfelt thanks to all that is, to all that I am, and for all that I experience. I give thanks that knowing what is true for me is true for everyone. This is a beautiful Truth of the Universe.
Knowing, expecting and accepting what I see, I accept this to be my experience now. I let this Truth be in the loving supportive hands and heart of the Universe. I allow the good, easily flowing into my life.
And So It Is!
Affirmations for Prosperity, Increase and Supply
- My income is constantly increasing.
- Today is a delightful day. Money comes to me in expected and unexpected ways.
- I prosper wherever I turn.
- Wherever it is that I work, I am deeply appreciated and well compensated.