In today’s excerpt from the Joyous Living Journal we are reminded about the Law of Attraction. Many people have discovered this law from the movie, The Secret. Those of us who attend a Center for Spiritual Living know that this is how the world works.
Like a magnet, our attitude, beliefs and words are our attractors. We are taught to focus on what we want, rather that what we do not want. We discover that we attract more good, love and joy, into our life by expressing good, love, and joy. That is the way of the walk, to notice the positive, talk about the positive and be grateful for the good things in our life.
Affirmation: Today I discover that I am a magnet for the positive life I want, I release my negativity and any old patterns that no longer suit me. I look for the good in everything and praise it.
It’s this thing called life, thank you life! And So It Is. |