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SUNDAYS: Meditation 10–10:15am (in-person only) • Gathering & Music 10:30am (in-person and virtual)


Values-Based Spiritual Living

By January 12, 2017No Comments

It’s a brand new year filled with possibility. Many people set intentions and goals for the year. Some make vision boards. Others set off following a yearly journal or a program.

This year, to guide our Sunday Services and collective awakening, our Center has chosen an interactive journal called Values-Based Spiritual Living, inspired and created by Rev. Dr. Edward Viljoen, senior minister at the Santa Rosa Center for Spiritual Living. In the introduction Edward writes:

“This interactive journal offers you weekly opportunities to reflect on the values of our community and how they relate to your spiritual life.”

Each month, the journal focuses on a spiritual value, offering writings and journal prompts designed to explore the value more deeply each week. Dr. Heather will be basing many of her talks this year on the ideas presented in the journal, sharing her perspective as we move through the year. The journal is a wonderful tool designed to empower the weekly message within each individual’s life, providing a pathway to incorporating it into our own life and experiences.

Edward continues in the introduction:

“As we explore the values of our spiritual organization together in 2017 and write about them in this journal, it is my hope that you will get clarity on your own values, integrate them more strongly into your thoughts, and allow them to shape your words and deeds.”

We invite you all to join us in this journey and exploration of spiritual values. The Interactive Journal is available to you…FREE..simply click here. We ask that you reproduce it only for your own use. Also printed copies of the monthly writings will be available in the Sanctuary every month.