“If you will only believe, and not just pretend to believe, that Infinite Intelligence is guiding you in all your ways — in your thoughts, words and deeds, you will be led along the right road. Artists, poets, writers, and inventors listen to their voice of intuition. As a result, they are able to astonish the world by their beauties and glories drawn from the storehouse of knowledge within themselves.” Dr. Joseph Murphy, The Psychic Perception: the Magic of Extra Sensory Power
“Then Jesus said to the centurion, ‘Go! Let it be done just as you have believed it would! And his servant was healed at that moment.” Matthew 8:13
Rev. Dr. Lisa Laurie Stewart wrote these words to begin her monthly letter to ANTN, our sister organization of which she serves as President. She continues:
“Are you pretending to believe? Or do you believe that your thoughts create your reality, no matter what.
If you are blaming someone else for your experience, you are a pretender.
… If you think you need your job because you need the money, you are a pretender.
If you blame the government, the President, the President-elect, the candidate, the congress FOR
ANYTHING, you are a pretender.
Are you living from the mystical where ALL things are possible, or are you living from an experience and
a belief in lack and just pretending to love and live New Thought? Which is it? A house divided cannot
stand. If you are pretending, in any area, get a teacher, study a book, not just flip through it or speed
read, but STUDY it, intend to grow in wisdom and awareness.”
I love this idea from Dr. Murphy.
If I am caught up in fear, blame, excuses, old habits, or anything else that is not befitting for a person immersed in Infinite Intelligence, I am being a pretender.
One of the ways to make welcome Infinite Intelligence and break the cycle of pretending is to take a class. Right now there are two fantastic classes that are being offered at our Center. Rev. Arpad Petrass is offering a class he created “Writing to Heal While Learning to Dance.” I just began a class called “The Essential Ernest” which is a class about Ernest’s ideas and how they fit into your life! My class begins with the Declaration of Principles and continues by exploring the first four chapters of the textbook, The Science of Mind. It mirrors what is happening on Sundays, in that we began our exploration of values by going back to the basics.
It is done unto us as we believe. Do we make excuses and look outside ourselves for causation? Or do we take full responsibility, change our thinking and change our lives? It is fully up to you.
Are you confident in the spiritual truth? Or are you just a big pretender?