Practical Mysticism
We are excited to offer an accredited class at the home of Rev. Pattie and Fred Mercado in Laguna Hills. This class, Practical Mysticism, has an emphasis on becoming a mystic rather than simply learning about the mystics.
The coursework will focus on four practices:
- Meditation
- Affirmative Prayer (Spiritual Mind Treatment)
- The Practice of the Presence
- The Witness of Consciousness
This course is entitled Practical Mysticism because true mystics are grounded and are comfortable with both their humanity and their divinity. They are able to embrace both the light and the shadow side of themselves. Students will have the opportunity to do specific soul work to embrace the totality of themselves, releasing blockages and embodying the spiritual truth of their being. The mystic is eminently practical because s/he is so steeped in spiritual truth that his/her life is a demonstration of the all-good of God.
Class Title: Practical Mysticism
Class Day and Time: Thursday Evening, 6:30 p.m.
Class Duration: 10 weeks; June 1st to August 3rd
Class Location: Laguna Hills, contact the facilitator for the address
Class Facilitator: Rev. Pattie Mercado
Class Tuition: Credit: $220.00 or No Credit: Love offering
Class Materials: The texts are: The Foundations of Mysticism, Joel Goldsmith and Entering the Castle: Finding the Inner Path to God and Your Soul’s Purpose, Caroline Myss.
Everyone is welcome! More information and sign up on the kiosk.