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New class starting in April

By March 15, 2018No Comments


Study the Spiritual Path with Dr. Heather


Dr. Heather starts a new class in April that takes us back to the Science of Mind basics. This class is based on curriculum Dr. Heather created with a team of ministers in the 1990s and, because it’s filled with wisdom and insight, she is ready to bring it back.

Here is what Dr. Heather has to say about this classic class:

The first part of the course is “The Spiritual Path” and introduces the metaphysical student to the basics of spiritual study including affirmation, meditation, and prayer. In addition to the basics, there are some great activities and processes which anyone can incorporate into their daily practices. During this first eight weeks, students will learn spiritual mind treatment/affirmative prayer.

The second 8 weeks continues to emphasize prayer and is titled “The Nature of Effective Prayer.” Affirmative prayer is one of the most powerful tools at our disposal. When we change the consciousness of a thing, we change the entire experience of it. For example, before studying Science of Mind I would often take a victim mind-set when it came to illnesses. Like many people I had two or three colds a year. I was subject to the race consciousness of “flu” season. Since studying the Science of Mind, I have come to understand that nothing happens to me, everything happens through me, by means of me. This is a powerful idea.

If everything comes through me, I must allow or invite the idea of “flu” into my life. As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, rarely is the thing we are experiencing a result of thinking about the illness. In other words, I didn’t get a cold because I thought about “colds;” but rather, when we feel stressed and overextended, we can let a ‘flu” or “cold” into our lives.

  • We will learn to pay attention to our thoughts, and make intelligent, self-supporting changes to our thoughts and feelings.
  • We will learn to write and use powerful affirmations which will start the creative process by planting a new idea.
  • And we will learn to meditate. By getting still and being comfortable with silence, we will more ably hear the voice for God within ourselves.

People’s lives will be transformed. People who are senior students, those who have taken foundation courses many times before, will heighten their awareness of self. And those people who take the class as their very first step down the spiritual path will awaken to their own inner magnificence. People make life-long friendships in Science of Mind classes. You will learn to pray for other people as well as yourself. There is so much good for you… and you ought to have it! I would love to see YOU at class.

Dr. Heather’s class will be offered on Tuesdays, beginning April 3rd, at 6:30 pm. Cost for credit is $240, or you can take the class without credit for a love offering.