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SUNDAYS: Meditation 10–10:15am (in-person only) • Gathering & Music 10:30am (in-person and virtual)

It is great to be “Rooted in the Divine,” and it is good to remember that the principle is infallible. It is working all the time for everyone. “The rain falls on the just and the unjust.”

Some people might claim that this is very unfair of God, not to reward those who are good and nice for being good and nice. We might have held that cherished thought, when we were spiritually immature. We may have thought that we were dealing with a God that could be influenced by our prayers and petitions. Now we have come to find out that we are not punished for our sins but by them. God is not keeping score. Life is not a game in which someone wins and someone else loses.

Rather it is the nature of Principle to give and It is forever giving. Our job is to cooperate with the Divine Nature. We do that by being crystal clear about our beliefs. It is done to us, as we believe. In other words, if my belief is that the nature of my thought is that it is creative, then I will be meticulous about what I am believing to be true! I will not let doubt rob me of my good.

An example in my life is what I have been doing since March 1st! On March 1st, we entered into Escrow on our building. Being the spiritual director of the Center, I was the one who had to sign all the documents — and now I am the one that is running madly toward all the deadlines! “Running madly” is not an intelligent way to approach anything in life, so in this moment, I take a deep breath, and “re-frame” that idea.

The whole idea is that we, the seller, would have all documents necessary for a smooth and easy escrow completion.

Perhaps I could say, “I am steadily and persistently handling each piece of paper when it gets to me.” 

Perhaps I could further declare, “Divine Mind, in me, knows exactly how to complete all paperwork in a timely way.” 

Perhaps I could add, “I have more than enough support to complete all tasks in a timely way.” 

Perhaps I could even claim, “It is satisfying to complete all the paperwork on time.” 

Maybe I could go so far as to say, “It is easy for me to do so. Change my thinking, changes my life!”

Aww!! Much better.

Dealing with an escrow of a commercial building feels like learning a new language, or maybe learning how to pray scientifically. One step at a time. I remind myself that I DID learn how to pray scientifically. And now, I do it so often, that I do not need to think about it at all.