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SUNDAYS: Meditation 10–10:15am (in-person only) • Gathering & Music 10:30am (in-person and virtual)

Rev. Judee Chapman is facilitating this popular life changing class: “The Power of Decision” beginning February 29th.

raymond-charles-barker-mountain-valley-quoteA step-by-step program to overcome indecision and live freely forever. Based on the powerful metaphysical classic, this course is valuable for both the new and experienced student.  “Every noteworthy achievement the world has ever seen was born with a single thought; and every great man who ever lived has been a man of decision. Raymond Charles Barker’s The Power of Decision reveals this principle of success and illustrates the process of choice that all of us must take-and that all of us are capable, this very second, of taking-to change our lives and make our dreams come true.”

Class Title: The Power of Decision

Class Day and Time: Monday, 6:30 p.m.

Class Duration: 8 weeks, February 29 – April 18

Class Location: Center for Spiritual Living Capistrano Valley

Class Facilitated by: Rev. Judee Chapman

Class Tuition: Credit: $160.00, No Credit: Love offering

Class Materials: The Power of Decision by Raymond Charles Barker