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SUNDAYS: Meditation 10–10:15am (in-person only) • Gathering & Music 10:30am (in-person and virtual)


VOICE OF THE DRUM Wednesday Wisdom August 17, 7 PM Drum Circle with Gene & Joyce

The Abenaki People and the Legend of the Drum

It is said that when Creator was preparing a place for the Spirits to dwell on Mother Earth, a loud BOOM was heard in the distance. As Creator listened, the sound came ever closer until it was present right in front of Creator. Creator asked – “who are you?” “I am the Spirit of the Drum”, came the reply. Creator asked of the Spirit of the Drum, “What is it you want?” The Spirit of the Drum spoke to Creator, saying “I would like to be a part of this wonderful thing you are creating.”
After a moment of thought, Creator asked , “And what part will you play, Spirit of the Drum?” “I would like to accompany the voices of the People” replied Spirit of the Drum. “When they sing from their hearts, I will sing too, as if I am the heartbeat of Mother Earth. Then all will sing in harmony.”
Creator granted the request of Spirit of the Drum and from that point on, the drum has accompanied the voices of the People. The Abenaki People,
Bring your drums and let them speak.  Children are welcome.
Wednesday's Wisdom 08-17-16 Poster Gene Stone