Several weeks ago, Dr. Heather announced her retirement. While we know no one will ever be able to fill Dr. Heather’s shoes, we are going to work together to find the perfect person to lead our community.
Rev. Judee has assembled a Selection Committee and they have been working diligently to follow the selection process set forth by CSL.
The first task for the Selection Committee is to create a Center profile and we want your input. The committee has scheduled four visioning sessions, giving you the opportunity to access the Center’s highest vision through you and provide that input to the selection committee. Three will be Zoom meetings and one will take place in person.
Visioning Dates:
Sunday, Oct.11, noon via Zoom
Wednesday, Oct. 14, 7 p.m. via Zoom
Thursday, Oct. 22, 11 a.m. via Zoom
Sunday, Oct. 25, after Service, in the Sanctuary
It is the committee’s hope that everyone will participate in at least one visioning.