Along with being a Religious Science minister, Rev. Arpad’s day job is as a Disney Imagineer and his hobby is fine art landscape photography. Much of his life revolves around the creative process. This month each of our ministers is taking a Sunday to share their insight into prosperity. It’s obvious to me that Rev. Arpad’s prosperity consciousness is intimately aligned with the creative process.
“Wait for the idea. It may not come at first, but you must be patient, never doubting, waiting in faith. It will come.” – Ernest Holmes
I asked Rev. Arpad how he maintains trust in the process while waiting for the idea to download.
“Its very simple. I have learned over the years that all that I have to do is to Ask Spirit Anything (A.S.A.) and it will be answered. It may come right away or it may take time. When I feel it in my body, then I know its true for me. I always ask (Spirit) that I recognize the answer. That’s an extremely important part of the A.S.A. process.”
On Sunday, Rev. Arpad’s talk title is Do Not Let F.E.A.R Define You. F.E.A.R. stands for False Evidence Appearing Real. As a creative myself, I know that sometimes it can be hard to put our art or creative endeavors out in the world. Rev. Arpad is so successful with his photography career so, I wanted to know how he moves through that fear.
“I can’t stop myself from letting F.E.A.R take over. I think it is part of being human. If I wasn’t human maybe I wouldn’t feel fear, but I feel that is part of our journey. My interactions with life make me who I am. Sometimes I succeed and can help others and sometimes I fall short. So far, its all been good even during those challenging moments when life wants to share its good opinion of us with us.”
To hear more of Rev. Arpad’s perspective on prosperity, catch his talk on Facebook Live on Sunday, September 27, 10:30 a.m.