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SUNDAYS: Meditation 10–10:15am (in-person only) • Gathering & Music 10:30am (in-person and virtual)

A Powerful Minister who speaks straight to Truth. 

On Saturday, July 19, 2014, I attended the Agape International Spiritual Center Practitioner Reunion.  This was a time where current Licensed Practitioners and previously Licensed Practitioners could come together and celebrate our place in this world.  It was a wonderful time seeing Soul Sisters and Brothers that I hadn’t seen in a long time.  A beautiful guided meditation was facilitated by Suzi Kesler Lula, where she posed the question about where is our Yes! taking us now.  Being at the union flooded my senses with a remembrance of the unfoldment my life took by being a part of this magnificent center.  Though I do not physically visit the center as much as once did, my Soul was filled right back up by being in the presence of these powerful Practitioners.

One such powerful Practitioner, Dr. Clara “Ma” Mosley, was a mentor and, previously, my personal Practitioner.  She currently is the Senior Minister at the June Cobb Church in Los Angeles. Seeing her for the first time in many years brought tears to my eyes, for in her presence is a reminder that Magnificence is already within.   Dr. Clara is no-nonsense; she speaks straight to the Truth.  She doesn’t sugar coat any attachments to reasons for one believing in their small self.  She says it like it is, and somehow she exudes a gentle, nurturing space while stating her claims, hence the “Ma.”

Way back in the day, I had taken several classes with Dr. Clara.  I vividly remember listening to her speak in the den of her home in Silver Lake.  She spoke such deep and profound words of Wisdom; I had no idea what she was saying.  All I knew was that whatever she was saying, it was Good.  Somehow, I believed, through process of Osmosis, I would become just as deeply enlightened as she.  I realized that no amount of intellectual knowledge will ever get one to a space of Spiritual Wisdom without having a Soul Revelation. Our Souls must be communicated to in order to shift in levels of enlightenment.  In Dr. Clara’s teaching, there are no levels, you are Truth right here and now, no doubting, no question, it just Is.  If we are thinking we have to peel back layers, we are thinking too small.  We are all we need to Be, Right Now. We don’t have to wait for some day; we are It, Right Now!

When I proclaim Love for this wonderful woman, it is deeper than our typical definition of love.  The Love I feel for her is a Soul-to-Soul connection.  She has touched my life in such a profound way, and I am grateful for her Presence in this world.  The embrace I experienced with Dr. Clara at the Reunion was flooded with emotions.  For in that one, simple, prolonged embrace was a sense of being cared for, a sense of being Loved in a Soul-Filled, Truth-Filled way.  In that instance I couldn’t help but be over-filled with emotion so much that I was proud to call her “my Ma.”   I also am grateful for Agape International Spiritual Center, for without It, I would have not been introduced to Dr. Clara “Ma” Mosley.

Thank you Clara for Being a significant part of my life.