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SUNDAYS: Meditation 10–10:15am (in-person only) • Gathering & Music 10:30am (in-person and virtual)

Science of Mind teaching diagram
It’s a Philosophy, a Teaching, and a Science

Many of us have questions about how we can live a full and wonderful life.  One of those ways is to affirm out Truth!   Each week at our Sunday service we repeat:

Declaration of Principles
I believe in God, the one Creative Intelligence operating through the Universe and operating throughout my entire being now and always.  I believe this perfect Creative Intelligence can be used by me and by every other person, to produce health, abundance and love, in mind,  body and total life experience.  I use it now, and I rejoice in it.  And so it is!

This Wednesday at the mid week service we will discuss how to use this ‘creative Intelligence’ in the creative process and how it operates.

The creative process starts with the Ideal, the Divine thought, so to speak.  It moves through us as intuition which becomes our idea.  This idea of something we chose to create, has a journey through imagination, inspiration, action, and creates our experience in the physical world.  After the demonstration of our intention or idea, we travel to reaction, feeling, cognition, knowledge, recognition, and finally WISDOM, which is truly the ultimate goal.

So what exactly is Science of Mind?

It’s a Philosophy, a Teaching, and a Science

  • A philosophy, in that it explains the way the universe works and our place in it
  • A teaching as it shows us how to regain our personal power
  • A science because we are taught how to use the universal principles to demonstrate success in our daily lives.  This is called the creative process!

Science of Mind is based on principles (the creative process) that support our spiritual growth.

“There is a Power for good in the universe, greater than you are – and you can use it!”  
— Ernest Holmes

Everyone has ideas. But what where do they come from? And what ensures they keep coming? How do you sort the genius ideas from the useless ones? Why invest all this hope and energy into making things in the first place?  Creative thinkers across a variety of disciplines find common methods, habits, mindsets and neuroses that help bring breakthrough ideas into being. This is a thoughtful and intimate look at the creative process.

Judee A. Chapman,
Assistant Minister