Can love truly heal all? All the great masters, including Jesus, believed that love is the greatest power in Universe. We’ve all experienced love, but have we accessed it’s power to create physical change in our circumstances?
Aidan Greaney, RScP and a trustee for our Center, found a common thread of wisdom in his spiritual studies that led him to test the power of love.
I sat down with him to find out more about this great experiment and how we can all test it for ourselves.
Q: How did you come up with the idea to affirm love to change your experience?
A: Well, a couple of years ago, I was sitting in a Prosperity Plus 2 class and remember watching Mary Morrissey tell the story about Raymond Charles Barker. She explained that Barker walked on stage and pulled out a huge wad of cash and began kissing it. He kissed it and said “I love you” to it. Then he told the crowd, “Whatever reaction you had to watching me is the attitude you have about money.” That made an impression on me and I realized the power in loving money.
Fast forward to December of last year. I was in a book study of Catherine Ponder’s Dynamic Laws of Prosperity. She too talks about loving money. I started to see a thread of wisdom and it related to love.
In mid-December I was having a challenge at work. I thought, “If Barker is right and Ponder is right, then maybe I could start affirming love for the things that are lacking in my life.” So, I started saying “I love…” affirmations for 10 minutes a day. By February, I had demonstrated exactly what I was affirming.
By saying “I love…” I was using spirit and law to change my experience.
Q: Did you change anything else in your experience to bring forth your demonstration?
A: No. I just used the “I love…” statements daily.
Q: If someone wanted to try this experiment for him or herself, what would you recommend?
A: To demonstrate prosperity one might say:
I love money. I love prosperity. I love my finances. I love my customers, clients and financial partners.
To demonstrate health one might say:
I love my body. I love my health. I love my wholeness. I love my life.
To demonstrate connection one might say:
I love my friends. I love the people in my life. I love connecting with others.
“I love…” statements repeatedly impress on the mind what we want to manifest and there is no resistance to our good when we say “I love…” The God of love hears the words of love.
Are you intrigued? I know I am. Aidan and I would like to invite you to join us in The Love Experiment. Identify something you want to heal or manifest in your life. Come up with some “I love…” statement and say them for 10 minutes a day, then report your results. I would love to share them in our August or September Good News, so email me the story of your own love experiment.