“The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of nonessentials.” -Lin Yutang
Just as though it were time for Spring cleaning, we are called to “unclutter” our Life…that out with the old and in with the new, no matter what time of the year it may happen to be. Unload that old baggage…that luggage with wheels for some…unfounded fears, and gnawing worries. Get rid of old grudges and resentment, anger, jealousy, and that old hurt from the past that may be still hanging out in your life. the light-hearted mayJourney on…the hard-hearted need not enter.
Peace resides in a room with a Magnificent view in the warm, safe, quiet corners of your mind. That view is of a Blissful and Joy-filled today…a Brilliant and Light-filled tomorrow, where the sky is the only limit. All too often…it is a place where few reside, and that many seek. Peace requires its own space…in a place that only open…uncluttered hearts can build.
With that said…I am brought right back to Rev Pattie Mercados invitation during our Service this past Sunday…What would I do if I were brave today? Would I align my thinking with the Divine…which would most certainly require me to “unclutter”…to remove from my proverbial plate…my Life…that which no longer serves me? That “uncluttering”…that “de-cluttering” opens our door to our GODling Self…and not merely our earthing self…that means by which we connect with our Divinity, and accept the Goodness in every area of our Lives which is Truly ours!
Yet…there remains a place…a Purpose…for that “clutter”…that fought feeling of being “boxed-in”, as Rev Pattie so aptly expressed as we experienced her Words. For it is that “clutter”, expressed as a box overflowing, that let’s us Know that it is Truly time to expand our thinking to a Bigger playing field…training and transforming our own mind…our thoughts to Aspire to the Infinite Mind…GOD…that we are One with!
So…I invite You to make room for Infinite Mind…GOD…to allow that Kinship with All LIFE that we are…to claim our Good and our Blessings!
Here’s some suggestions…those “Hows” that are GOD-given…
- Set aside time to BE…the thinking, the planning and the doing will emerge from there!
- Make Peace of Mind a Wonderous Journey, not and end in itself!
- Enjoy the Journey!
- Remember that Forgiveness cleans up lots of messes…Trust & Believe I Know!
- Make Peace with the past! Joyfully release that past NOW!
- Count your Blessing today…for they are many!
- Savor each & every present moment…NOW!