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SUNDAYS: Meditation 10–10:15am (in-person only) • Gathering & Music 10:30am (in-person and virtual)


Spirit Soars In All Ways To New Beginnings!

By July 26, 2016No Comments
“The spiral of life is upward. Evolution carries us forward, not backward. Eternal and progressive expansion is it’s law, and there are no breaks in it’s continuity.”
-Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind
With the Transition of my beloved father, George, who passed beyond the veil, to join my beloved mother, Aynesse, who made her Transition last year, I know and think only thoughts of Love. For they have touched and grown my Life Beyond measure while here on earth… And now, continue on their Eternal Journey together!
May they feel my Love… And the Love of our family… Where they are now. It is in my heart, that I feel their Love!
There remains no doubt in my mind…my heart…that both Mama and Daddy are Spiritually present in not only my Life…but, in the lives of my sister and 3 brothers. Spiritually present in the lives of all those whose lives they touched in so many Wonderful ways!  Yes…Aynesse and George.  What a couple…what parents…what a great pair they are.  Both Lebaneese…Yes, both “Merchants of the World”, in their own unique way!

 Our Dad, with his love of raising homing pigeons, an avid car collector and a connoisseur of cigars. An erudite and eccentric gentleman, where one of his favorite pasttimes was conversing about the cars of yesteryear “while puffing on a good cigar”.
Our Mama, who perfected the art of Middle Eastern cooking…her lifelong hobby of gardening both flowers and fresh vegetables always made her happiest. She could pick her grape leaves from her vine in her back yard. 
George, who  attended St. Thomas Seminary where it was the hope of his mother that he would soon after continue study for the priesthood. “That wasn’t happening”, he would say, as he often told that story to us kids.  Instead, he attended the University of Connecticut where he obtained two degrees, one in Political Science, the other in World History. He was a knowlegable and well spoken individual who often engaged in converations about state and world history, and the history of real estate development as it progressed from the time he was a boy.

Aynesse, who took pride and joy in every aspect of her family…making a house truly a home…and raising 5 children. I can see and hear the light in her face and voice as she lovingly spoke to us kids, and her grandchildren…and, of course, her great grandson, Baby James. Her Wisdom and Faith were beyond the capacity of any formal graduate degree.

Yes…Aynesse and George…Devoted to each other and their children through all the bumps in the road…and there were plenty of them through 58 years of marriage!  Wow, that’s as long as I am old!

Through our SOM teachings, I bask in the fact that we are not human beings having a Spiritual experience, but rather that we are Spiritual Beings having a human experience.  Even though we have a body, we are more than our body. We are the Life that animates our body… and that Life is infinite and immortal. As we become increasingly identified with our Divine and Eternal nature, our experience of Life becomes more joyous.

Death is but a mere illusion of the earthling mind… For true Life goes on forever. While the physical body ceases…the Spirit soars in all ways to New Beginnings. In God… Life is unending… Regardless of sickness or death. Of this, I am certain!

Today… I invite YOU to allow God to fill your heart with an inner knowing that those who have left us… Have not left at all. For our loved ones remain in the heart of God, as well as our hearts.

May our loved ones, whether they dwell on this earthly plane, or beyond, as well as, each of us, rest peacefully in the arms of God!

Let The Source BE with YOU…Now!
With Love & Blessings!

PS: Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation that you are making progress – IF YOU KNOW IT!  No matter how large or small, please recognize it and be Grateful. Hey…It only takes a moment to pick up the penny… and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow of Positive Energy and Goodness.
“There is a mighty Power within you. There is that Spirit of Life, Light, and Love. The more you feast on these ideas and fast from old corrosive ones, the closer you experience the Life you desire.”  -Frank Richelieu, The Art of Being Yourself

Rhonda Maria Farrah, MA, DRWA
Help Me Rhonda Now! International

Licensed Teacher
The Art of Feminine Presence
Author  of the Forthcoming Book
How To Forgive, Live & LOVE During The Process of Divorce…
A Journey In Healing & Transformation
 Speak Up, The World Is Listening