The Joyous Living Journal entry for yesterday was titled
Hurry, Busy, Rush, but I didn’t actually see it until today because I was too
busy. Ha! And that was right action, because it caused me to stop and think
about that.
Mario Cart video game. It’s almost comical when I think about it. People jump
out of no where. Construction crews set up cones and funnel traffic for seemingly never-ending construction (have you driven Vista Hermosa lately??). Drivers blow through stop signs and red lights. And, while
I’m keeping a watchful eye out for obstacles and driving the car to the best of
my ability, I keep thinking to myself, “Hurry, hurry, we are going to be
are thinking the same thing. “Hurry, hurry, I’m going to be late…for
school, for work, for a meeting, etc.” And because we all believe, or at
least tell ourselves over and over, that we are going to be late we attract
these obstacles to fulfill our wish. Because…as we know…the Universe always responds to our thoughts; whether we like it or not!
eternity in God.
Melissa Echelberger):
changed my thinking? Instead of “Hurry, hurry, we’re going to be late!”,
I might try:
Okay San Clemente…If
you find yourself on the road between 7:30 a.m. and 9 a.m. on a week day
morning, let’s all try “Relax. Be present. I always arrive at the perfect
right time.” Followed by a deep satisfying breath.
We can do this! We can change our morning experience from
one of rushing and anxiety to one of peace, generosity and gracious driving.
I will report back any changes I notice and I encourage you
to add your experience with this new affirmation in the comments.