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SUNDAYS: Meditation 10–10:15am (in-person only) • Gathering & Music 10:30am (in-person and virtual)

Join Rev. Dr. Heather Clark for Prosperity Plus II Harnessing Your Invisible Power

Explore the “invisible side of success” and spiritual aspects of prosperity.

Prosperity Plus II is a popular class and I am happy to bring it back to our center. Past students have flourished in all areas of their lives after taking this class, including recovering lost items, increasing income and overcoming serious illness. It puts a student’s focus on tools for prosperity consciousness, such as affirmations, forgiveness and tithing.

In this 10-week program you will learn:

  • The five step process for how to manifest your dream.
  • Tools for how to access the solution to any problem and the answer to any question.
  • How to harness your six mental faculties in service of your dream.
  • A process for taking action in a way that creates rapid results.
  • The five elements necessary to make MONEY welcome in your life.
  • The four major reasons most people get stuck and how to overcome them.

Class Title: Prosperity Plus II

Class Day and Time: Tuesday, 7:00 to 9:30 p.m.

Class Duration: 10 weeks June 13 – August 15

Class Location: Center for Spiritual Living Capistrano Valley

Class Facilitated by: Rev. Dr. Heather Clark

Class Tuition: $60 for materials

Class Materials: Workbook provided

Class Prerequisite: It is recommended, but not required, to complete Prosperity Plus prior to Prosperity Plus II.