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SUNDAYS: Meditation 10–10:15am (in-person only) • Gathering & Music 10:30am (in-person and virtual)

I believe that everything seen and unseen comes from our beliefs — known or unknown. Further, I believe that the Universe is friendly, that the Spirit loves Its Creation and that only good is intended for anyone. I believe that fear is a mistake as is poor health and poverty. I do not think that any of these phenomena are punishments but rather are natural consequences for mistaken thinking and not dealing with our stuff.

In my particular case, I would say that it is evidence that I let some negative thinking permeate my consciousness. I am so embarrassed! I will get over it! I can find compassion for myself alongside the embarrassment of demonstrating illness instead of health. I had a mild flu diagnosis.

Nevertheless, the lapse in being fully present resulted in me being away from the Center for a whole week.  I have often said that there are no exceptions to the absoluteness of the Law of Mind. On days like this, I truly wish that I had not been so emphatic. (Maybe I could find some wiggle-room for my own mistaken-thinking.)

Ernest Holmes writes throughout his books that we do not deny the appearance of evil (or sickness.) Rather we deny the necessity for it and the Truth of it. Spiritually there can be no illness or disease. It is not based on Truth. It is no person, place, nor thing.

During this time when the media is reminding us of the Covid-19 Pandemic, it is really important that we tell the Truth! Telling the Truth reminds us that we are spiritual beings, having a human experience.

First, notice what you are noticing. What are you paying attention to? And then go within and notice how you are feeling. Remember that emotion is the catalyst for our thoughts becoming things.

If you are feeling unwell, even if it is only a tickle in your throat, STAY HOME! If you are feeling afraid, acknowledge it. Remind yourself, “There is nothing to fear, but fear itself.” I would also add acting foolishly or recklessly.

As meta-physicians, we are the very best at discovering what false beliefs have invaded our consciousness and then methodically, belief by belief, changing those false beliefs into spiritual truth.

Here is something practical to consider.

If you are sick, stay home. Be proactive. Wash your hands often. Keep your hands away from your face. (This is the hardest one for me to practice.) Disinfect the surfaces that you have touched like counters, keyboards, phones, and light switches. Our Center is supported entirely by individual donations. Usually, it is the men and women who attend that put their money in the offering baskets. So, send your donation to the Center. We are working on having a big “donate now!” button on the home page.

When you attend the Center use all your spiritual tools, including discernment, meditation, and prayer to stay positive, healthy and prosperous. Visualize yourself as pure Spirit, your body a body of light that is healing all those around you.

Pray. Use your knowledge of affirmative prayer to keep yourself healthy and to heal your loved ones. Use affirmative prayer to bless our wonderful Center, our great country and our beautiful blue planet! Our country is the home of the brave. Let’s act bravely, optimistically and wisely.

I am closing with an affirmative prayer for us to use.

In this holy moment of now, I know the Truth about life. Spirit is everywhere present. It is first cause to all creation. It is only good…whole, complete and perfect. It is omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent. This mighty, moving power is unstoppable and unopposed. There is only one power.

I consciously unify and identify with Spirit now. I was created in Its Image and Likeness. All of Its qualities are in me as Infinite possibilities.

Knowing my oneness with Source, I speak a word of Power and Truth. I accept that God in me is perfect Life — vital, strong, vigorous and whole. I accept that my body is the temple of the living God. It is the expression of God as form. Every cell of my body is filled with God’s perfect pattern of life. I am healed, whole and healthy now. I accept that I am more than enough to live a happy, healthy life. God’s perfect peace is my peace now. I experience that perfect peace.

I am confident in Spirit’s Love. Knowing that this Love permeates and penetrates all creation. I let any fear within me completely dissolve and disappear. Wisdom and Love take the place of all fear, anxiety or concern. All is well and all shall be well. God is, I am.

I specifically treat myself about any beliefs that the Corona Virus is is a deadly virus. I release any belief in a pandemic. I remind myself that nothing is stronger than Spirit. I accept the spiritual truth about this virus. It is a no-thing. I see with my spiritual eyes that the entire state of California, the United States of America and the world are protected and led to healthful practices. There is good news!

With my heart filled with deep gratitude for the Law of Mind, and for the results of this prayer, I release it with confidence. It is complete. And so it is!

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