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SUNDAYS: Meditation 10–10:15am (in-person only) • Gathering & Music 10:30am (in-person and virtual)

The Orange County film debut of Paper Tigers Friday, October 14th at 7PM


The Center for Spiritual Living Capistrano Valley is pleased to present a compelling documentary revealing one high school’s unlikely success story.

Paper Tigers follows a year in the life of an alternative high school that has radically changed its approach to disciplining its students, becoming a promising model for how to break the cycles of poverty, violence and disease that affect families.


“Stressed brains can’t learn.” That was the nugget of neuroscience that Jim Sporleder, principal of a high school riddled with violence, drugs and truancy, took away from an educational conference in 2010. Three years later, the number of fights at Lincoln Alternative High School had gone down by 75% and the graduation rate had increased five-fold. Paper Tigers is the story of how one school made such dramatic progress. Following six students over the course of a school year, we see Lincoln’s staff try a new approach to discipline: one based on understanding and treatment rather than judgment and suspension. Using a combination of vérité and revealing diary cam footage, Paper Tigers is a testament to what the latest developmental science is showing: that just one caring adult can help break the cycle of adversity in a young person’s life.

From the Director…..

“I knew I wanted to make a film about the emerging science of adversity: how high “doses” of stress during childhood get into our bodies, change our brains, and lead to lifelong health and social problems—everything from domestic violence and substance abuse to heart disease and cancer. Scientists are beginning to understand the roots of these seemingly intractable problems, and many have novel ideas about how to break these cycles. I set out to tell the story of this science, and those with boots on the ground who are putting it into practice like pediatricians, teachers, and social workers.”

There is no charge for the event but we are requesting that everyone make a reservation through Eventbrite in order that we have a head count.  Click here to register for the Paper Tigers Screening. 


Event location: Center for Spiritual Living Capistrano Valley 1201 Puerta del Sol, San Clemente

Event date & time: Friday, October 14th at 7PM

Cost:  Free

Reservations requested at Event Brite 

Find out more about the movie Paper Tigers here.