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SUNDAYS: Meditation 10–10:15am (in-person only) • Gathering & Music 10:30am (in-person and virtual)

“Sometimes I arrive just when God’s ready to have someone click the shutter.”  ~ Ansel Adams

What is a PhotoWalk anyway?

A PhotoWalk is an event where a group of people show up with a camera in hand with the intention of capturing a moment, and learn a few things about photography along the way. For our last PhotoWalk we choose to explore the Northwest Open Space in San Juan Capistrano.

Click here to view all of our photos.  

& This time we put the “walk” in photowalk, pretty much wearing out the “littles” as +Juli Isola calls them. There are so many great things to capture this time of year, from mustard greens blooming their vibrant yellow flowers, water flowing thru the creek, to buzzards flying overhead and lizards and turtles scurrying underfoot. You could feel the valley coming alive in spring,

I would like to thank everyone who showed up and encourage you to grab your camera and come with us next time, we will be glad you did.

What is a photowalk anyway?  PhotoWalks are our way to be “the lens” of Spirit. And So It Is!