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SUNDAYS: Meditation 10–10:15am (in-person only) • Gathering & Music 10:30am (in-person and virtual)

Today I turn 70. For all the young people reading this, in many ways I still feel like the young woman I was at 21 or 32, but time marches on. I am just as idealistic but thankfully not as cynical! I am still moved by beauty, truth and love. I am still optimistic about my future!

There are so many things I still want to experience, so many places I still want to see, so much more to give back to life. Over the Christmas break, my sisters, niece and I enjoyed a vacation in Cozumel, Mexico. There I did something I had never done before, I had a foot massage from  hundreds of Garra Rufa fish. It felt strange; it sort of tickled, but I did it.

Garra Fish Nibbling my Feet in Cozumel

Of course there have been many changes in my life and every up or down has left an imprint on my personality, my choices, my sense of self. 

So as I am beginning a brand new decade, I want to LIVE my values! I want to start right with generosity and love. I want to “walk confidently” and generously toward my dreams. I want to live without regret. 

I want to speak up when I see injustice. I want to be bold and full of confidence, choosing only the path that will bring me happiness and satisfaction. 

This past decade has flown by. I remember clearly my 60th birthday and some of the hopes and dreams I had then. Some things I have accomplished, others are still on my list.

I want to be forgiving and generous to myself and others. I want to stop criticizing any aspect of physical self, including my body, weight, size, wrinkles and shape. I want to perceive and accept my unique beauty. I want to be grateful for “looking like my mother” rather than seeing it as a kind of curse. I want to be less judgmental of myself.

I want my default setting to be generosity of spirit.

I want to see good everywhere. I want to demonstrate the Law of Mind and Spirit as Ernest Holmes called it. I want to see Love in action in my body, my life, my work, my ministry, my finances, and my friendships. I want to know that I have made people’s lives better. And from this moment on, to trust Divine Mind, through me to guide me to my highest and best GOOD!

My Sisters and Niece at Chichen Itza

My Sister Taking a Picture

Me Still Trying to Get a Good Selfie!