Life is a great mystery, isn’t it? Why are we drawn to certain things and not others? What is our purpose? Why are we even here? Maybe you all know exactly why you are here but my idea of myself and my purpose is constantly unfolding for me.
I love it when Spirit takes the lead and I am awake enough to pay attention. I admit this doesn’t happen as often as I would like but when I surrender and follow my heart I find so many wonderful surprises. Where I notice this the most is in what I choose to read. Someone will mention a book and it catches my interest, or I’ll see an interview with the author on social media or TV, or sometimes Spirit puts the book right in front of me on the library shelves and I can’t resist it. This happened to me recently and it reminded me how powerful the spirit within me is and how much it wants me to know myself better.
I saw the book, “You Are Psychic” by Sherrie Dillard, sitting on the shelf in the public library’s new book section. I picked it up and decided to check it out. I’ve read many psychic books before but I resonated more with the explanation of intuition in this book than others. Dillard writes on page 49, “Compared to ego thoughts, psychic thoughts may feel flat, unemotional and not personal, yet there is often a calm awareness that accompanies them.” She gives the example of having a thought, like to take a different route to work, that pops up several times in your mind. It’s easy for the ego part of the mind to argue, rationalizing with, “it’s still early” or “it’s Wednesday and traffic is usually light on Wednesday.” In my experience, intuition never argues; it simply makes a suggestion.
So much of what I experience on a daily basis was acknowledged by the insight in this book. It allowed me to know myself better. In the past, I recognized intuitive thoughts or sensations but didn’t completely understand the opportunity that paying attention to these occurrences offered me. For the most part, it was a mystery to me. Dillard’s book gave me a reference I could relate to; it affirmed that I’m not alone in these mystical experiences. It’s natural and universal for us to be guided by something beyond our understanding.
How do you know when Spirit is speaking directly to you? Share your insight in the comments.