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SUNDAYS: Meditation 10–10:15am (in-person only) • Gathering & Music 10:30am (in-person and virtual)

the creative urge is life itself

What catches your eye? What inspires you? What is urging to be created through you? Are you up for an adventure?

“Your creative expression is an act of faith. You must give it passage from the abstract into form by trusting what’s coming through you.

 “When there is no motion, it’s only a dream and remains in the realm of possibility. You don’t need to know how an adventure ends before you begin it, nor do you have to know where your creative urge is going to take you before you begin.” ~Joyous Living Journal

I don’t know when everyone got so convinced they aren’t creative. We are infinitely creative. Even when we are not intentionally creating we are creating by default. As humans we have a deep driving need to be creative.

It’s time to indulge ourselves!

Could painting (or cooking, or writing, or gardening, or knitting, or playing an instrument, or singing or writing a letter, or taking pictures, or or playing with play dough) be a spiritual practice?


And engaging in your creativity is opening another avenue for Spirit to demonstrate in your life. And just like meditation and prayer it works better when you set aside your ego, drop the judgement and embrace some unconditional love for yourself and others. Think of practicing creativity as an act of gratitude for the beauty and joy you feel inside, a two way conversation between you and Infinite Intelligence.

Life is ever evolving in the direction of increased love and increased beauty. What other than the intentional spiritual practice of expressing your unique brand of creativity to assist in that evolution.

Let it loose in the world and you just don’t know the life it may take on.