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SUNDAYS: Meditation 10–10:15am (in-person only) • Gathering & Music 10:30am (in-person and virtual)

A gloomy day is the start of something big. 

Southern California has this weather pattern which brings the start of summer a cloudy covering. Usually taking up the whole month of June, we have termed it “June Gloom.”  Having children still in school,  it makes for an interesting perspective.  It marks the end of something and the beginning of something.  Taking this perspective into the realm of Spirituality, I reflect on the significance of this weather pattern. 

On one hand, the end of something can be quite sad.  It can mean that this point in time has a completion to it, that, though excitedly waited for, can take on a sense of missing it when it’s gone. It can be a time when repressed emotions are finally able to be released, allowing oneself a permission to have a space of mental irresponsibility.  That is, until the summer schedule kicks in. On the other hand, it is the beginning of something, an unknown of what is to come.  Even if a summer schedule has been planned out, the unknown of what it looks like, when actually in the moment, is in question. 
With most days in Southern California begin with the sun visible and end with the sun visible, June is an interesting time to be gloomy, considering it is the start of summer vacation.  However, thinking in terms of Spiritual perspective, it gives an example to be grateful.  It is a time to reflect on what we do have most of the year, the beautiful weather, and allows us a space of gratitude when we do not have it.
Because we do not have as significant weather changes as most other states, this is a perfect time for this weather pattern.  Other weather-changing states have several beginnings and endings to practice with the weather.  Fall clothes come out, then winter clothes, then spring clothes, then summer clothes.  They physically have to mark the seasons with a change in outer appearance. Here in Southern California, the same jacket can take us through the fall, winter, spring and summer.  Not much has to change throughout the year in regards to our physical appearance; some even wear shorts and  flip-flops the whole year.  So allowing Southern California a time to be reflective with this weather pattern is blessing.  With the expectation of Southern California to always be sunny, especially at the mark of summer, “June Gloom” is a reminder to be grateful.