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SUNDAYS: Meditation 10–10:15am (in-person only) • Gathering & Music 10:30am (in-person and virtual)

Sunday August 14th Jeffon Seely will speak at the Celebration Service and present: “Unlock Your Greatness”

Jeffon comes to us by way of Atlanta Georgia, but he has been traveling all around the country speaking, inspiring and sharing his passion. As a thirty-something with a clear and relevant message Jeffon relates to all ages with wisdom, humor and creativity.

During the workshop from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m.,  participants will gain a step-by-step understanding of how to bring a vision into manifestation by centering the spirit, empowering the mind, strengthening choices and bringing it all together into action.

“The goal is to provide a road map that can take you to your vision. A vision without a plan often remains only a vision. Positive thinking without positive actions can create a negative outcome,” Jeffon has taught this technique, which he used to grow his business, in more than 20 communities and reached more than 200,000 minds across the nation.” He is a speaker, author, entrepreneur, community leader and family man.

“There are times when humble individuals with a caliber of consciousness, depth and vibrancy cross my path and I am left speechless with gratitude and renewed hope for our world at large. Such is my experience with Jeffon Seely. A young man, an old soul? It is hard to distinguish one from the other when Jeffon shares his gift of words. I can tell you it is a moment in time you will remember. He has earned the nickname “Little Gandhi” as this small framed wonder emits massive ripples of impartible good. I am proud to know him and to learn by his example.”   –Rev. David Ault, Senior Minister of Spiritual Living Center of Atlanta, Author & Spiritual Teacher

Sunday Celebration Service begins at 10:30

Workshop: 12:30-2:30

Childcare provided during the workshop

Click here to find out more about Jeffon at his official website