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SUNDAYS: Meditation 10–10:15am (in-person only) • Gathering & Music 10:30am (in-person and virtual)

It’s a week before Christmas and I’m writing this blog while sitting in the jury waiting room. Knowing the Good News is due soon, I brought my laptop and the Science of Mind textbook in hopes of getting some work done.

For the past few days leading up to jury juty, I’ve been trying to think of ways to get out of it. Without a good excuse, I turned to prayer, imagining the judge saying, “You are dismissed. Thank you for your service.” But the little voice in my head keeps saying, “You need to get lucky.” Sitting here, I’m realizing that I’m giving more power to what I don’t want rather than what I do want, “to be released from serving.” A postponement was a possibility but not my preference.

As I scan the textbook, looking through all my highlighted sentences, I come across this, “It spreads Itself over the whole universe and shouts at us from every angle, but It can become a power to us ONLY WHEN WE RECOGNIZE IT AS POWER.” And in the next paragraph, Holmes continues, “So, it is not a question of Its willingness, nor of Its ability. It is entirely a question of our own receptivity.”

The key component is my receptivity for a miracle to occur, trusting the Infinite, All-knowing Power to have my back; to be constantly conspiring for my good. Rather than feeling a victim to my circumstances (the unlucky break of getting jury duty right before Christmas), opening myself up to allowing God’s Infinite Wisdom and Grace to go before me and make my way straight and clear. To know at the very core of my being that I am always loved and supported.

Reflecting on the perfection that already unfolded, I realize that the Universe picked the perfect day for me to report. It was my day off from work. My employer will pay me for any day served, so I’m getting paid for my day off. Traffic was light and I arrived in plenty of time to secure a desk with a built-in plug for my laptop and phone. So far, it seems the Universe is conspiring for my good.

So how did it all turn out…

As the hours passed in the jury room, people got up and left for courtrooms when their names were called. My heart raced for the first couple of groups, but as I wrote this blog post and realized the Truth, I became calmer. At 11:45 a.m. just before lunch, the woman calling names came out and said, “When I call your name please respond here and come up to window two to receive your proof of service. You are dismissed and you will not be required to attend jury service for at least one year.”

BOOM! Principle proved. God dropped the mic.

All it took was my own receptivity to believe in the Power of my word. If you still have doubts Holmes suggests the following affirmation, “I am convinced that this word has power, and I firmly believe in it. I trust it to produce the right results in my life.” Amen!