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SUNDAYS: Meditation 10–10:15am (in-person only) • Gathering & Music 10:30am (in-person and virtual)

“Some people feel with thrie heads and think with their hearts.” -G.C. Lichtenberg
When your day doesn’t start the way you hoped it would, you need to take control of the one thing you have control over – YOU!
So…I was on my morning run…perfect day…what with the sun shining, the blue skies, waves crashing so that I felt the spray of the ocean on my face.  As I passed the golf course, I decided to stop a moment and get a long deserved drink of water from the fountain that marked one of the most pristine greens.  I quietly took a drink…so as not to disturb what I deemed would soon be play in process.  3 golfers…all men…stood at the tee.  With one approaching, teeing up his ball, he took a practice swing.  I just had to watch before I continued my final mile and a half home.  Besides, this looked like a spectacular shot in the making!
He swings…about the type of swing I’d take…and, almost immediately, curses…not blesses (that will be a post for another time)…his shot.  I noticed more than the divot that was made, with the golfer swinging his club in disgust, shouting at himself, as well as, anyone who was listening, “That’s why I never have a good game!”…  And… without a doubt, he’s totally right…his thoughts became that thing of yet another lousy swing, another lousy shot…and another lousy golf game.  And…yet, one more time, that golfer is totally correct.  His heart thought (belief) became and determined his mind thought (perception), and his external world of, yet, another lousy golf game was demonstrated and manifested in mighty ways.
I continued on my morning run thinking about the fact that I had witnessed that good old Law of Attraction in motion one more time.
We were born to succeed!
We were born with all the tools to succeed and enjoy a wonderful Life.
We  were born with all the potential to succeed, and we can achieve any goal we want… Our Authentic Power from within!
You may not think or believe that you can achieve your goals and have a better Life.
When we were born we had no negative thoughts.
No Limiting Beliefs.
No self doubts.
We could do anything.  Yes…Really!
But on our Journey through life, we stopped believing that. Maybe, we started to doubt ourSelf… to let negative thoughts fill our mind. Maybe somebody told us that we can’t succeed… or that life is hard and, yes, we believed them.
so…we started to develop limiting beliefs, and we began to think we no longer had the potential to succeed. We may have even believed that we were not born to succeed…or worse,
that we were born to suffer.
The Truth is we still have all that potential, we’ve just buried it… we’ve dismissed it and we’ve let negative thinking, limiting beliefs, and self doubt convince us that we can’t or won’t succeed.
So how do you unlock the potential that you were born with? How do you turn things around and succeed?
Start by changing the way you see yourSelf… or changing what you think about yourSelf.
If you feel that you can’t succeed… whether it’s with respect to your golf game or any other area of your Life…that you’ll only fail, and that no matter what you do things won’t get better… then change this thought pattern.  Loose ONE negative thought pattern!!!
Dismiss it.
Don’t accept those thoughts.
None of it is true. That’s RIGHT…It’s NOT the Truth of you!
No matter how lousy things may seem you can and will succeed because you were born to succeed.
Tell yourSelf that!  If you wish, speak it out loud: I was born to succeed.
Say it again… only this time with a slight change: I AM born to succeed.
You are born to succeed!!!
When you think of past failures, or if you think you’ll only fail again, change those thoughts. Think of the times you did succeed. Go back as far as you have to.
Your mind will tell you things like: “Yeah but that was then, you can’t succeed now. 
Who are you kidding. You can’t do that. There’s no way.”
If that happens, change those thoughts.
Push your mind to find ways to succeed.
Tell yourself, this time I’m doing things differently.
Give yourself reasons to succeed.
List Them…NOW!
The only reason your mind comes up with these excuses for not succeeding is because
that’s what it’s used to doing.
Over the years you’ve developed a pattern of thinking and a set of beliefs that
have created your current outlook and your current life.
If you keep the same thought patterns and the same beliefs you’ll always have the same life – Of this, I AM certain!  Nothing will change… and that’s not good enough!
But if you change your thoughts…change your beliefs… change your outlook… you will change your life – Of this I AM certain, as well.
You see your subconscious follows your current thoughts and beliefs like a roadmap. If you think you’re going to fail or that life is difficult, your subconscious simply says: you want failure, I’ll make sure you get more.
So change what’s in your subconscious, give it a new road map and you’ll get new results.
But first you have to decide what that map is going to look like. You have to know what you want, then you can create the thoughts, beliefs, outlook and actions that will help you succeed.
When you do that on a regular basis you’ll be living up to your full potential. You’ll begin succeeding because that’s what you were born to do.
So don’t believe the naysayer in your head. Believe in yourself and your ability…The Source, Spiit GOD within YOU!
You are born to succeed!!!
You have all the ability to achieve your goals and Live your dreams. Direct the power of your mind and subconscious mind to create the happiness, success, wealth, relationships and Life you want today.
You can succeed at anything!  Now… believe in yourSelf! Your destiny has yet to be written… make it the Life you want NOW!
Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation that you are making progress – IF YOU KNOW IT!  No matter how large or small, please recognize it and be Grateful. Hey…It only takes a moment to pick up the penny… and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow of Positive Energy and Goodness.
To New Beginnings Together!
Are You Ready To Celebrate Life…and BE the Best that YOU can BE?
I NOW invite YOU to Celebrate LIFE…Let’s Talk …with Your 30 minute complimentary Consultation!
To Our Health, Well-BEING, and Empowerment Together!
Much Love & GOD’s Blessings!
PS: Remember if you don’t do anything – if you don’t change the way
your mind works and direct your subconscious mind to create the
life you want – everything stays the same – nothing changes. This
is your life – make the most of it…NOW!
“There is a mighty Power within you. There is that Spirit of Life, Light, and Love. The more you feast on these ideas and fast from old corrosive ones, the closer you experience the Life you desire.”  -Frank Richelieu, The Art of Being Yourself
Rhonda Maria Farrah, MA, DRWA
The Wellness Institute International

Licensed Teacher
The Art of Feminine Presence
Author  of the Forthcoming Book
How To Forgive, Live & LOVE During The Process of Divorce…
A Journey In Healing & Transformation
 Speak Up, The World Is Listening