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SUNDAYS: Meditation 10–10:15am (in-person only) • Gathering & Music 10:30am (in-person and virtual)

Have you ever been off-course? Adrift in the stuff of the world? feeling disconnected? separate and lonely? One of the most certain ways to get back on course is to listen to the voice of God within. We call the process Visioning. It is a process that came out of the Agape International Center in Los Angeles. I am very grateful for Rev. Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith, the founder of Agape and the originator of this process.

Visioning basically takes the manifestation process out of the hands of the ego and puts it in the hands of Spirit. Not that manifesting through visualization, intention-setting and imagination is wrong. It is a powerful tool.

Depending where we are on our spiritual path of awakening, we will be drawn to different techniques and tools. Basically there are four kingdoms of consciousness or stages of spiritual development. In the first kingdom, life happens to me. It is not my fault; things happen and seem to be completely beyond my control. Life is happening to me. If this is the level of consciousness you find yourself in, then manifesting through using basic spiritual techniques is very good. It actually takes  a person out of victim-hood and into the second kingdom.

In the second kingdom, life happens by me. No longer a victim, we start taking responsibility for our thinking, our choices, our decisions and we start to create what we do want. Still in this level of consciousness there is a great deal of effort, constant vigilance to see what we have been thinking about. There is a point in which we let go of control.

This is the third level of consciousness where life happens through me. I have learned to establish dominion over my life. I now realize that there is more to life than stuff. I surrender to the Spirit and let It use me. Visioning is natural at this level of consciousness.

The fourth level of consciousness is life happens as me. It is then when we realize complete identification with God. “I and my Father are one.”

It is such a powerful practice and we are going to practice together on Sundays beginning June 4.
God is. I am. And So It Is!