Today I found out that I am a grand aunt. The baby arrived November 27 weighing 6 lbs 9 ounces. Her parents, Anra and Ryan Clark, named her Lela Marian Clark in honor of both her great grandmothers. I am thrilled for everyone concerned and also for the world.
I know Mom would be honored that her name, Lela, will continue in the Clark family.
When I was a child I looked a lot like my mother. Friends of my parents would tease me by calling me “little Lela.” Now there is a “little Lela” Marian Clark whose whole life stretches before her as infinite possibilities. What I know is that she lives in infinite possibilities right now. Lela may be tiny on the outside, but her Spirit is infinite. Her whole life lies before her. She carries her family names but she is not limited to anything that has ever occurred before. She was born into a great family with two professional, loving adults who will do their best to help her develop into who she could be, her greatest self.
As we are moving toward Christmas, the birth of a child reminds me of the significance of Jesus’ birth. I am reminded of the sense of joy, love, and wonder that surrounded his birth. Every child’s birth contains the same sense of wonder and joy.
In Lela Marian’s honor, I am offering this prayer. Let this prayer be for the perfect infant within each one of us.
“The Divine Presence, through Its need to express, brought forth the newest expression of Life. The Divine Mother could no longer contain her joy so she brought forth a new life, made in her image and likeness.
I welcome the new arrival with great tenderness and love, seeing her perfection, and praying that she will be led on paths of goodness, kindness, and oneness. Infinite intelligence indwells her right now. She is surrounded by Love, naturally, she will have an exuberant love of life and appreciation of the beauty and love that surround her.
I affirm that the love that she is brings life’s greatest gifts:
Imagination, wisdom, beauty, creativity, strength, and joy are hers. I affirm for her that she is kind and compassionate. Curiosity abounds within her and she is filled with the wonder of living on planet earth. I affirm for her strength of character to choose well on her path.
I affirm for her an environment that fosters her skills and values. I affirm that she always listens to the “still small voice within,” and is able to discern the truth in all situations. I affirm for her a zest for living and for all life. I affirm for her joy in movement and in stillness. I affirm for her a never-ending curiosity and love of learning. I affirm for her a sense of her own worthiness while seeing the worth in other people. I affirm for her innate creativity and a sense of playfulness. I affirm for her boldness and kindness.
For the family
I know for her parents and grandparents and extended family, that each one treats this newborn as the precious being she is. By living authentically and mindfully, each one contributes to the overall health of this one, for she is a sponge and they are her first teachers.”
Often my feelings have been expressed through music. The song, “Forever Young” written by Bob Dylan says what I want to convey to Lela Marian Clark and to all of us. Joan Baez sings this version.