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SUNDAYS: Meditation 10–10:15am (in-person only) • Gathering & Music 10:30am (in-person and virtual)

This Sunday we will be celebrating the ordination of three of our ministers — Rev. Karyn Allen, Rev. Bruce Fredenburg and Rev. Pattie Mercado. Ordination is my favorite celebration. It signifies so much. In the Centers for Spiritual Living ordination handbook, it is written :
 ” A Rite of Passage:

In some denominations, ordination is part of graduation from seminary.  In the Centers for Spiritual Living ordination is conferred upon a minister who has completed practitioner training and ministerial training and who has successfully performed as a minister in a field church or ministry.  The ministry of this individual has been reviewed by the Office of Licensing and Credentialing at the Centers for Spiritual Living Home Office.  S/he has been interviewed by a panel of his/her peers who made the recommendation of his/her ordination to the Leadership Council.  It is this Council that grants the office “Ordained Minister” to successful candidates.
For the minister being ordained, the ceremony is the fulfillment of many years of study, commitment and growth.  Most importantly, it is his/her affirmation that ministering to the spiritual growth of others is his/her life time dedication.  Ordination is a celebration with the minister as s/he affirms his/her sacred commitment to spiritual service.”

What a joy it is to officiate in this ceremony for three of my favorite people! Many colleagues, family and friends will be attending. It is a true celebration. The ceremony itself is heartfelt and sacred.

Although the ceremony itself has changed over the years, after integration, the intent is simply to provide a ritual that is a rite of passage from one level of consciousness to the next.

Yolanda, me, Rev. Bruce Fredenburg 01/20/2014

Rick Dale,me, Rev. Karyn Allen 1/20/2014
Rev. Pattie Mercado, me, Fred Mercado 01/20/2014